Monday, April 27, 2009

Matthew Williamson + H&M = Love

For spring and summer, we should all be extremely excited that Matthew Williamson's H&M line is available to us. If you remember, before I mentioned that I really wanted to go big on print for the summer. Well this line is the perfect way to do it. The line includes peacock themed prints, silk and leather, sequins, butterfly prints and ruffles. It's also such an inspiration for my shopping for this summer, I just love the big bold prints and colors that he uses. This is such an amazing collaboration; and this british designer's work hit select stores just a few days ago on April 23rd, and the second round hits everywhere May 14th. The second round will include more women's wear, swimwear and even menswear. Most of us will probably have to wait till May 14th because in New York it was insanity as girls literally snatched things off the rack! So mark your calendars and make a date with the nearest H&M!

Matthew Williamson + H&M really does = pure Love
-xo, C.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Back and better than ever!

Hello fellow fashion lovers!
Sorry we've been missing in action for quite some time, we were figuring out some issues in the blogging word, but now it's time to actually begin our Triple Thread! With a spiced up new look, we hope you'll check in as the exclusive look into our worlds and minds begins!

From our streets to your worlds..
stay tuned!

-xo, C.

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